Randolph Health Athletic Training is dedicated to providing quality athletic training and sports medicine services that include injury prevention, assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, and education to the student-athletes of Randolph County and Asheboro City Schools.
Our athletic trainers are employed by Randolph Health and Randolph Health Medical Group, and work in partnership with the Randolph Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine staff, along with other local and regional health care providers in order to administer treatment that aligns with the most current evidence-based practices in their field.
Randolph Health Athletic Trainers are responsible for all home practices and events, as well as traveling to away games for football, as mandated by the NCHSAA, and work full-time providing services at the following schools:
Asheboro High School
Eastern Randolph High School
Providence Grove High School
Randleman High School
Southwestern Randolph High School
Wheatmore High School
Trinity High School
In addition to working at the high schools, Randolph Health Athletic Training also conducts a concussion management program using the ImPACT software, which is also utilized for contact-sports athletes in the middle schools and high schools across the county.

Athletic Trainer Qualifications
Athletic trainers are a unique and versatile group of allied health care professionals that have obtained either a bachelor’s or master’s degree in the field of Athletic Training from a CAATE-accredited university program. In recent years it was decided that all athletic trainers would be required to have a master’s degree starting in 2020. According to the NATA, more than 70% of athletic trainers hold at least a master’s degree. Upon completion of a CAATE-accredited athletic training education program, students become eligible for national certification by passing the Board of Certification, Inc. (BOC) exam. After completing the BOC, an ATC may then apply for licensure to practice if required by their state (LAT).
All athletic trainers employed by Randolph Health maintain current certification and licensure, and complete 50 continuing education units (CEU) every two years as mandated by the BOC. They also are AED, CPR, and First Aid certified through the American Heart Association.

Athletic Training Services Provided
The field of Athletic Training is divided into five domains, which adequately summarizes the services we provide:
Prevention of Athletic Injuries:
By employing athletic trainers, we substantially reduce the risk of athletic injury and re-injury for the student-athletes under our care.
We are also well-versed in injury-prevention programs, which can be administered to individual teams or student-athletes at our respective high schools upon request.
A special job set of the athletic trainer is environmental monitoring and management. For example, recording Wet Bulb Globe Temperatures (WBGT) in the warmer months to prevent heat-related illness (heat exhaustion, heat stroke) and making appropriate accommodations.
Each athletic trainer writes and revises Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for their respective schools on an annual basis, keeping in compliance with the NCHSAA.
Baseline concussion testing for contact sports using the ImPACT software is administered during pre-season for all our high school student-athletes and feeder middle schools.

About Our Athletic Training
Recognition, Evaluation, and Immediate Care of Athletic Injuries:
On-site access to sports medicine services for each student-athlete allows for quicker referrals for imaging or emergency care if deemed necessary after a thorough medical evaluation. Our athletic trainers are skilled in management of acute, chronic, and life-threatening injuries and illness, and greatly reduce the chance of sport-related death.
During the summer pre-season, our staff regularly practices equipment removal procedures to better manage life-threatening injuries for equipment intensive sports such as football and lacrosse.
Rehabilitation and Reconditioning of Athletic Injuries:
We enable injured student-athletes to return to their sports as quickly and safely as medically possible. With proper management, we significantly reduce the amount of time they are sidelined.
When unable to provide rehabilitation services on-site, we are able to refer to our Physical Therapy departments across the county.
Our staff specializes in sports-specific return to play for athletic injuries as well as concussions.
Health Care Administration:
Our athletic trainers maintain up-to-date medical records, physical forms, and other paperwork required for treating athletic injuries, such as Gfeller-Waller forms for concussed athletes and skin infection forms for wrestlers.
Professional Development and Responsibility:
The Randolph Health Athletic Training team is continuously researching the most cutting-edge evidence-based practices to ensure the highest standard of care is being implemented for our student-athletes and takes part in CEU courses throughout the year to keep their skills sharp.
In winter of 2020, our staff participated in the “Mental Health First Aid for Adolescents” course to better assist our student-athletes with mental illness and emergencies.
Randolph Health Athletic Training is committed to encouraging a philosophy of sport the emphasizes health and wellness in not only student-athletes, but our community.
The number one tenant of our team is that we will provide extraordinary care on a daily basis, and that the needs of our student-athletes will always be prioritized.
National Athletic Training Association (NATA)
Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer (BOC)
North Carolina Board of Athletic Trainer Examiners (NCBATE)
Commission of Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE)
North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA)
Randolph Health Athletic Training Facebook Page
Randolph Health Athletic Training Instagram

Jana Webb, MS, LAT, ATC
Department Manager
Eastern Randolph High School

Caleb Strohecker, LAT, ATC
Randleman High School
Click to Read Bio

Americus Williams, LAT, ATC
Asheboro High School
Click to Read Bio

Michael Thompson, LAT, ATC
Providence Grove High School
Click to Read Bio

Victoria Curry, LAT, ATC
Southwestern Randolph High School
Click to Read Bio

Mary Sult, LAT, ATC
Trinity High School
Address and Contact Information
Randolph Health Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
503 North Fayetteville Street
Asheboro, NC 27203
Phone: 336-626-2688
Fax: 336-629-6939
Our Providers